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Growing Wild Together


About the film

Watch our original film from 2016, An Invitation for Wildness.

In Growing Wild Together we return to the nearly 30-year-old food forest growing on 2 acres of urban land in the very south of Aotearoa New Zealand. The forest, previously an abandoned section filled with rubbish and burnt house remains, was the subject of our 2016 film An Invitation for Wildness. Now we’ve returned to find out what has changed in the forest and for the people who live there.

Robyn and Robert’s forest garden is home to countless forms of life, from trees and plants to birds, fish, and insects, and of course the humans who live amongst it all, in harmony. With time it grows wilder and wilder, “Like me,” says Robert. Since we first visited, the couple have also developed new projects, one of them reviving an old trade route, to help create food resilience for the nearby rural communities.

In the film, Robert says he’s convinced that the food forest model will be one of the most important models for creating a resilient future on Earth. He maintains we must learn to be loved by the forest. Here is a film to inspire love for our forests and everything they generously gift us!

Links to more information

Longwood Loop
South Coast Environment Society


Directed by: Jordan Osmond
Produced by: Antoinette Wilson
Written by: Antoinette Wilson & Jordan Osmond
Cinematography by: Jordan Osmond and Jason Hosking
Editing by: Bailey Palmer
Sound design & mix: Richard Reade
Colour grade by: Jordan Osmond
Story feedback and suggestions from Nick Tucker

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Syntropic farming is a new and ancient regenerative agriculture practice that can be implemented in any region, in any climate, in limitless ways – even in your own back yard. For over a decade the Lotz-Keegan family have been implementing permaculture practices to regenerate a degraded hillside into an abundant food forest of native and exotic trees that feed their family, their community, the wildlife, the soil, and their souls.

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  • Chad says:

    Do you have recipes and types of plants we should be planting? Thanks

  • Robert says:

    Thank you for this beautiful update. I am just visiting the great Sequoia trees in the Sierras and it is awe inspiring. There is so much we can learn from our forests. If we take care of them, they will take care of us. Keep up the great work!

  • Titania says:


    Wonderful film. We need more like it.

    When was ‘Growing Wild Together’ made?

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