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Conversations with inspiring change-makers about creating a more resilient world – permaculture, alternative economies, health and wellbeing, regenerative food production, conservation… join us as we dive deep into all this and more!

#7 Tina Ngata Podcast

#7 Tina Ngata

In Episode 7 of the Happen Films Podcast, Antoinette is joined by Tina Ngata (Ngati Porou), advocate for environmental, indigenous and human rights. Tina is based in Tairāwhiti, East Coast,…
Happen Films
July 28, 2020
#3 Jono Frew Podcast

#3 Jono Frew

In Episode 3 of the Happen Films podcast we speak with regenerative agriculture coach Jono Frew. Jono started his working life age 11 in farming and he’s been passionate about…
Happen Films
April 23, 2020