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The Plummery is a suburban home where a backyard permaculture garden measuring only 100sq/m (1076 sq feet) produces over 400kg/900 pounds of food year-round!

Kat Lavers describes her approach to gardening, including vertical and biointensive growing, and how important it is – and possible! – for city dwellers to be food resilient in the face of natural, financial and social crises. We were very inspired by how little day-to-day effort goes into creating such an abundance of food.

Find out more about Kat and The Plummery on her website and on Instagram.

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  • It’s critical that city-dwellers regain a meaningful connection to their food.
  • Start small: you’ll get more from a small space that is well managed than from a large space that runs away on you.
  • Time goes into learning the skills and systems to have an abundant garden but once it’s in, you only need to spend a few hours a week looking after it.
  • Food is one of the ways we can build resilience within our systems.
  • Aim for community sufficiency – the majority of your food coming from your household, community and bio-region – rather than self-sufficiency.
  • Growing your own helps you to avoid all the packaging, transport, fuel and chemicals used in producing food conventionally.
  • And it brings such joy at the same time!
Basket of homegrown vegetables
Vertical vegetable gardens
City permaculture garden

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