Three Short Films – any license
This screening license is for individuals and small groups wanting to share three short films with their community. There is no limit to numbers or entry fee charged unless you're showing the film as part of a large event, in which case please get in touch.
This purchase differs to our longer form films: Once you add the licence to your cart, write in the "Add a note" box the names the short films of your choice. With receipt of payment we'll email you within 24 hours with the film file. Scroll down for more details about file formats and subtitles.
To screen a short film alongside a longer-form film, purchase the long-form film first (all films over 30 minutes) and then email us to advise which short film you wish to show. There will be no fee for the short film.
Note for NZ customers: Prices exclusive of GST.
Our short films don't carry licence variations unless they're part of an event where the audience is paying to see a variety of films, including any of ours. In that case, please get in touch!
Run time: varies from 5 to 19 minutes
File resolution: Full HD 1080p
Rating: n/a (documentary)
File format: .mp4 digital download.
The available subtitles will be included in your screeening pack. Please contact us if you'd like to contribute subtitles in your language.