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FEATURE FILMS (+40 mins)

Our feature films may be few to date but we've loved having the opportunity to make them. These two films have provided important transition stages for us as filmmakers – our first, A Simpler Way, was our launch pad into serious filmmaking, our second, Living the Change, brought multiple festival selections and awards and the enthusiasm and support of an audience the world over.

This is a format less accessible to us as community-funded, low-budget filmmakers. We love short films because we can share so many stories across a range of subjects on a regular basis, but we'll always grab the opportunity to explore to a much greater extent an idea or a series of ideas when a feature film becomes viable. 

Stay tuned because we're working on our third feature film right now!

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Meg, Patrick and Woody harvest acorns on their front lawn.

Community, Farming, Food & Gardening, Homes & Building, Permaculture, Simple Living, Zero Waste

60 mins

A new feature film releasing in June 2025 about the philosophy and lifestyle choices of an Australian family living profoundly simply.

Poster artwork for Living the Change with green lettering, a blue planet and a black background.

Community, Simple Living, Regenerating Nature, Urban Living, Permaculture, Economy, Farming, Food & Gardening, Homes & Building, Zero Waste

86 mins

Living the Change is a feature-length documentary that explores solutions to the global crises we face today.

Photograph of a round tiny house lit up against a starry night sky.

Community, Food & Gardening, Permaculture, Simple Living, Zero Waste

78 mins

What would it look like to live within Earth's available resources? This group came together to explore a one-world-footprint lifestyle.

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