Purple Pear Biodynamic Permaculture Farm Tour
Purple Pear Permaculture Farm
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This film was made possible through the generous financial support of the Biome Trust with assistance from The Gift Trust.
Visit the Purple Pear Permaculture website
A tour of Purple Pear Farm in New South Wales, Australia, a permaculture and biodynamic farm with rotating tractor domes over mandala garden beds, pigs, chooks and some great philosophy. Mark and Kate run a small CSA (community supported agriculture) offering veggie boxes to their local community.
They dream not of growing ever bigger and bigger and controlling the market for veggies in their region, but rather of staying small and supporting other vegetable growers to initiate similar projects, or even to join theirs, so that everyone in the community is eating well and living well. Now there’s a vision to be inspired by!
Farming, Food & Gardening, Permaculture
About Purple Pear Permaculture Farm
6 mins
What a fabulous tour! Thank you.
These tours/interviews/short films give me so much hope and enthusiasm for the future.
He is so inspiring. What an amazing place and way of life.
This makes my heart flutter. Beautiful truths spoken here.