Building Indigenous Food Sovereignty with the Hua Parakore Organic Framework
Hua Parakore
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This film was made possible through the generous financial support of the Biome Trust with assistance from The Gift Trust.
Find out more about Hua Parakore:
Watch our full interview with Jessica Hutchings
Visit the Te Waka Kai Ora website
Visit Jessica Hutchings’ website
Purchase Jessica Hutchings’ books on her website
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Hua Parakore was established in Aotearoa New Zealand by Te Waka Kai Ora, the National Māori Organics Authority. It provides a framework using Indigenous values – Māori principles – for producing natural food without chemical inputs or GMO.
It also encapsulates the Māori worldview in its approach to how food growers are verified as Hua Parakore, with principles that require practitioners to deeply consider such things as their connection with the land, its energy, the many species living on it, and their community.
This documentary provides an insight into Hua Parakore from the perspective of one of its most knowledgeable practitioners – Jessica Hutchings was one of the researchers who helped develop the framework.
Community, Farming, Food & Gardening, Permaculture
About Hua Parakore
8 mins
There is so much we have to learn from Indigenous ways of knowing and caring for the land. Thank you for sharing this insightful piece on Māori principles.
Loved it. Watched the full interview too. Makes for interesting viewing after just finishing Charles Eisenstein's book on the story of interbeing.
Absolutely brilliant. Thanks for making this film.
Nine minutes of inspiring holistic practical wisdom. Thank you for bringing the values underlying the farm as a gentle immersive experience.